The herb that heals the wounds of the body and the spirit. It is used externally or internally (as appropriate) for:
Relief of irritations and inflammations. Healing of various wounds (due to injuries or immobility in bed). Burns. Dermatitis. Combating hemorrhoids. Venous ulcers. Pain in the lower back. Sciatica. Headaches. Lubago. Dislocations. Rheumatism. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Insect bites. Combating diarrhea (as an astringent). Healing of gastric and stomach ulcers. Gastritis. Combating internal burning (as an anti-inflammatory). Combating intestinal worms (as an anthelmintic). Fighting phlegm (as an expectorant). Good menstrual function (as an emmenagogue). Insomnia. Dealing with Anxiety Disorder. Mild and moderate forms of depression, as well as a sedative. Stimulation and restoration of the nervous system. To give good mood and well-being, while strengthening the immune system.
Consult your doctor.