Royal jelly is the natural thick, biological substance that is secreted by special glands in the pharynx of worker bees. The royal jelly feeds the bee larvae, which as perfect insects will become queens. Queen bees live exclusively on royal jelly and are responsible for their large size, fertility and longevity.
What is its nutritional composition?
Royal jelly is a rich source of proteins, amino acids, lipids, vitamins and minerals and is considered to have a beneficial effect on the human body. More specifically, it consists of 67% water, 15.5% proteins and amino acids, 12.5% sugars and 4% fatty substances. The amazing properties of royal jelly are due to its abundance of vitamins, especially vitamins of the B complex, which are crucial, both for the smooth functioning of our nervous system and the functioning of the entire organism.
The benefits of royal jelly:
Royal jelly provides a number of nutritional, energetic benefits and additionally aids metabolism. It affects longevity, helps maintain health, beauty and youth, the various functions of the body and increases resistance to diseases. Favors tissue oxygenation, stimulates appetite and mental mood, endows the body with erythropoietic properties (production of red blood cells), acts as an analgesic by easing the sensation of pain, finds application in rheumatism pains, in renal symptoms encountered during the period of pregnancy and the development of premature children. It also stimulates the antibiotic action of the immune system, preventing the invasion and action of harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. In addition, it acts as a tonic of the nervous system, a property due to the presence of acetylcholine.
Therefore, royal jelly is a valuable beekeeping product, which could be used both as a food supplement and as a medicine. It is recommended both for people who face a health problem and are in the recovery stage, but also for healthy people to whom it gives better physical condition, greater endurance during intensive activities and generally strengthens the general condition of the body against various attacks. Protects against breast and endometrial prostate cancer and arthritis.